Adam S. Miller
This book is composed as a series of letters. The letters are meant for a young Mormon who is familiar with Mormon life but green in his or her faith. The author, philosophy professor Adam S. Miller, imagined himself writing these letters to his own children. In doing so, he struggled to say his own piece about what it means to be—as a Mormon—free, ambitious, repentant, faithful, informed, prayerful, selfless, hungry, chaste, and sealed.
...In Original Grace, Adam S. Miller proposes an experiment in Restoration thinking: What if instead of implicitly affirming the traditional logic of original sin, we, as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, emphasized the deeper reality of God's original grace? What if we broke entirely with the belief that suffering can sometimes be deserved and claimed that suffering can never be deserved?
...Along with Nephi, "we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ," but in all our talking and learning, have we learned how to live in Christ? What does a life in Christ look like—or feel like?
In this thought-provoking exploration of the writings of the Apostle Paul and Book of Mormon prophets, Adam Miller examines what life in Christ looks like. How can we let ourselves and our own desires die so we can be born again to
...King Benjamin, Abish, Mahonri Moriancumer—these often-overlooked figures in the Book of Mormon bear powerful testimonies of the divinity of Jesus Christ and His gospel. In poignant, personal ways, they witness of His divine mission and ministry.
How do these witnesses vary from one another? What are we to learn from each account?
Adam S. Miller and Rosalynde F. Welch explore the wide chorus of diverse voices in the Book of Mormon, all
...Learning how to hear God's voice should be vitally important to all of us, especially as our prophet has urged us to seek Christ more intentionally. President Russell M. Nelson recently asked, "What will happen as you more intentionally hear, hearken, and heed what the Savior has said and what He is saying now through His prophets?" ("Hear Him," Liahona, May 2020).
As a people, we commonly strain our ears to "hear him" (Joseph Smith—History